jQuery Ajax With JSON Response

have been lately developing a lot with Javascript in a very interesting project which is about wines. In that project we are creating a software with HTML5, Javascript, CSS and on the serverside with PHP and MySQL. I’ll post more about that project propably at fall when we release the project. It is going to be huge. This post is about some of the technologies we are using on that project.

On this project I have learned to use jQuery. It is a Javascript library to ease the development of Javascript based websites and offers massive framework for frontend web development. One major part of our project is Ajax, Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. In common language you can you can load data into website without refreshing it.

On this post I will show an example of how to do Ajax with jQuery and how to process multidimensional JSON data table coming in through Ajax. Continue reading

Convert hex data to image

Convert image from hex value
first of we have convert image into het to binary64 encode
than  after we have convert binary to image .

here hex data display below if when data pass in $_post form than plese remove hex data and just simple pass the data like
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Latest top 6 datepicker

Bootstrap DatePicker

The Twitter Bootstrap Datepicker is actually an extension of the original plugin by Stefan Petre. He has gone back to rework the styles which include default classes right out of the Twitter Bootstrap stylesheet. The plugin homepage features a lot of unique demos which are simply stunning. They look nicer using the typical Bootstrap interface designs.


When it comes to interface design the glDatePicker plugin has one of the best. You can include this plugin just like you would any other sample code. The jQuery selector will tie onto an existing input field and the calendar will appear directly beneath this area. All you need to include is the default stylesheet and their JavaScript plugin file. Continue reading